Is Marketing Still The Colouring-In Department?

Written by Darren Westall. Paiger

If you ask some FDs or CFOs, Marketing isn’t held in too high regard.

Working in marketing can be seen, by some, as the department that get sent things to make pretty, or play around on social media or arrange things like pens for recruitment events, you know, important stuff that requires a degree.

Over the last 5 years, I’ve seen first-hand that in the most successful recruitment businesses, Marketing has moved its perception as a revenue taker to revenue maker.

For Paiger’s clients, Marketing has a seat at the board table, and are taken seriously.

Paiger’s clients no longer spend time designing job advertisements, scouring the web for interesting content to share and helping their recruiters to understand that posting to LinkedIn with “I’m recruiting for this job, please click the link below to apply” will deliver them zero candidates.

Paiger automates all of this for them. So the question is, what are they doing if that is taken care of?

Marketing is an art and a science, and in order to be seen as a revenue generating department, then there has to be data to back this up. 

Marketing should be managing channel marketing from social media, PPC, SEO and ensuring it’s measured, delivering ROI and doubling down on what is working. If you can get these things right, your CFO will very quickly bring you into budget discussions.

Marketing should be creating original, thought leadership, content that goes beyond your daily social media posts. You should have a “hero” piece quarterly to deliver authority & brand awareness – the piece that ensures when recruiters call, the person on the other end of the phone knows your business.

Marketing can make calls warmer, and deliver hot prospects and applicants to your recruiter’s desks too.

But you have to have the data and reports to show this.

For example, the CFO of a SaaS business may want very high-level metrics; that focus more on the finance side of things. Cost per visitor, cost per acquisition, ROI, churn rate – that kind of thing. 

Whereas your VP of Marketing many want to know how many free trials were registered on the website, how many people are upgrading to premium products, that kind of thing – because those metrics are more aligned with their projects and workstreams. 

This is the same for a recruitment business, your CFO will want to know your cost per applicant, applicants to placements conversion etc.

You can’t track this data, implement your strategy and start to have that seat at the table if you’re busy colouring in.

Paiger is working with over 150 recruitment agencies in just over year to help recruiters & marketers reach profitability quicker, attract candidates and win more business. 

Paiger was founded by the former CTO of Broadbean, leaning on over a decade of knowledge to bridge the gap between recruitment and marketing.

Partnering with the likes of Volcanic & JXT, if you haven’t already seen Paiger in action, you can request a demo here: