Recruitment Firms Embrace Financial Efficiency with Virtual Credit Cards: A Numarqe Adventure

Recruitment Firms Embrace Financial Efficiency with Virtual Credit Cards: A Numarqe Adventure

Step into the world of financial management with Numarqe, where innovation meets user-friendliness in a delightful blend. It's time to bid farewell to conventional financial practices and welcome the efficiency of virtual credit card transactions. Numarqe isn't just a credit platform; it's your business's trusted companion, here to transform how you handle finances with elegance and charm.

New rules to offset the risk of using off-payroll workers from 6 April 2024

New rules to offset the risk of using off-payroll workers from 6 April 2024

What do the new rules mean?

We will shortly be approaching the third anniversary of the extension of the revised off-payroll worker (IR35) administrative rules to medium-sized and large private businesses. Following an announcement in the 2023 Autumn Statement, a new offset mechanism is set to be introduced from April 2024. Potentially, the new rules will make it more attractive for businesses to use the services of off-payroll workers operating via such intermediaries.

Navigating Financial Waters: Our Guide to Crafting an Airtight T&E Policy

Navigating Financial Waters: Our Guide to Crafting an Airtight T&E Policy

Understanding T&E:

When drafting a T&E policy, it is important to conduct a thorough assessment of your company’s requirements when it comes to travel and expenses. Consider the nature of your business, the frequency of travel, and the specific needs of your employees. Identify key stakeholders, such as finance, human resources, and department heads, to gather insights and ensure a holistic approach.

5 Common Invoice Finance Myths Debunked: A Guide for Recruitment Businesses by Skipton Business Finance

5 Common Invoice Finance Myths Debunked: A Guide for Recruitment Businesses by Skipton Business Finance

At Skipton Business Finance, we understand the cash flow challenges faced by recruitment agencies.  Placing talented candidates is only half the battle; you also need to wait for client payments, which can create a gap that hinders your ability to grow. Invoice Finance can bridge this gap by providing an advance on your outstanding invoices, but some misconceptions might be holding you back.
Let's debunk five common myths and set the record straight for recruitment businesses.

Beyond the Numbers: Why Client Care Matters in Choosing an Invoice Finance Provider

Beyond the Numbers: Why Client Care Matters in Choosing an Invoice Finance Provider

For recruitment businesses, navigating cashflow can be challenging, especially when dealing with slow-paying clients. Invoice Finance offers a solution by unlocking working capital tied up in outstanding invoices. However, with multiple providers vying for your business, choosing the right one goes beyond just competitive rates and advance percentages. Client care emerges as a significant factor often overlooked but crucial for a smooth and successful partnership.

Statement of Work, Insurance and IR35

Statement of Work, Insurance and IR35

How Kingsbridge can support businesses looking to offer services under a genuine statement of work (‘SOW’).

Recruitment companies are highly experienced in providing skills and people. Some have also been exploring the opportunity of providing what HMRC refers to as ‘contracted out services’ to their end-user clients.