Measuring Impact: A Crucial Factor in Recruiting

In today's competitive landscape, finding and retaining top talent remains a significant challenge for businesses. Reports from Manpower Group indicate that 75% of employers struggle to fill positions, a sentiment echoed in the 2023 Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive Survey, which underscores the importance of Growth, Technology, and Talent for CEOs and CFOs.

However, despite the critical role talent plays in organisational success, hiring decisions are often made without sufficient data. It's time to rethink recruitment practices.


Reimagining Recruitment: Beyond Cultural Fit

Many organisations talk about hiring for the right 'cultural fit,' but this approach can inadvertently lead to homogeneity and stifle diversity of thought. Instead of focusing solely on expertise, experience, and personality, there's a need to measure a candidate's impact - their ability to make a positive difference.


Enter The GC Index, a tool that assesses individuals' propensity to create impact. By uncovering hidden talents and natural inclinations, it provides insights beyond traditional metrics.

For Business and Recruitment Leaders The GC Index offers a valuable framework to align people's impact with organisational objectives.


The Five Proclivities of Impact

The GC Index identifies five key ways individuals can make an impact:

  1. Strategists: mapping the future

  2. Game Changers: transforming the future

  3. Implementers: building the future

  4. Play Makers: orchestrating the future

  5. Polishers: creating a future to be proud of

  6. By answering 59 questions, candidates reveal their proclivities, enabling organisations to build well-balanced teams.


Enhancing Team Dynamics

Using the GC Index, organisations can assess team compositions and identify areas for improvement. For example, if a team lacks Implementers, they can strategically hire individuals suited for the role, thereby optimising performance.

Driving Diversity and Inclusion

By removing unconscious biases from the hiring process, the GC Index promotes inclusivity, resulting in a workforce that reflects diverse perspectives. This inclusive culture contributes to enhanced performance and innovation.


Impact Across Industries

From leading brands like Nike and Dyson to public sector organisations and charities, the GC Index is making waves across industries. Its holistic approach to recruitment and team dynamics resonates with organisations of all sizes.



The GC Index represents a paradigm shift in recruitment, focusing on the impact individuals can make rather than fitting a predetermined mould. By championing this tool, Recruitment professionals are redefining their role as strategic partners in organisational success. In a world where people decisions are central to performance, embracing tools like the GC Index is key to making a lasting impact.

 Click here to take the GC Index today!