7 Top Tips for Working from Home

Written by Francis West, Westtek Solutions

While most working from home tips are concerned with how you work, we often overlook where we’re working. However, our work environment is a key factor in how much we can get done in a day.

Some things to think about include:

· What sort of lighting is best?

· How about temperature and air quality?

· What chair and desk should we use?

· Should we listen to music or work in silence?

· What about office pets?


· What online security do we need?

Tip 1: Get rid of the clutter (both physical and digital)

If you can’t see the surface of your desk (or your computer desktop) it’s probably going to be difficult to work.

According to neuroscientists at Princeton University, physical clutter in your surroundings compete for your attention. This can lead to decreased performance and increased stress.

To clean up your workspace start with these suggestions:

· Become selective about what you accumulate. Ask yourself: Will this really add value?

· Clear out any digital tool that doesn’t bring you high value. Delete everything and only add back valuable ones.

· Conduct a monthly review of your space: Set time aside to clean, sort, and discard your physical and digital clutter.

Tip 2: Design your work environment for willpower

Our brains are lazy, and the choices we make often come down to a matter of convenience. This means that whatever is nearest to you—your phone, social media, TV—will be harder to block out.

You’ll be less likely to do things you don’t want to if you make them less convenient. This could be as simple as putting your TV remote in a drawer when you’re working. Or keeping snacks in the kitchen.

Tip 3: Music vs. silence in your work environment

Research shows that silence is the best option for an optimal work environment. But noise doesn’t have to be a deal breaker. Either find a place with a suitable level of volume, or pick the right music for the right task.

Tip 4: Should pets be in the office?

There are 2 sides to the argument

The good:

· Pets can reduce our stress

The bad:

· Pets can of course be another form of distraction either through unwanted noise, smell, or wanting your attention

In the end, having pets in your work environment comes down to personal preference and the people you work with.

Tip 5: Bring a bit of nature into your work environment

Adding more natural light is one of the quickest ways to improve your work environment.

Along with light, fresh air can also have a direct positive impact.

The final natural element you’ll want to be sure to include is nature itself. Surrounding yourself with plants can help alleviate mental fatigue.

To be more productive, try to bring all three into your work environment: Light, fresh air, and nature.

Tip 6: Look for quality office furniture

Although the thought of working on the couch or on your bed may sound attractive, your back and neck won’t thank you for this. Depending on the amount of space available, consider purchasing a large desk, bookshelves, and a comfortable office chair.

You don’t have to go top of the line but remember, the point is that you will be working in this space every day. So it needs to be comfortable and functional.

Tip 7: Stay Vigilant Against Security Threats

Just because you’re not in the office doesn’t mean you’re not a target for hackers. Your work machine is incredibly valuable for thieves and criminals, so take care to work securely.

Be aware of your company’s network policies such as the use of Wi-Fi, personal devices, and more. Ask if you are not sure.

Be alert for any documents or links sent to your inbox. Don’t click something that looks strange or suspicious.

Use a business-grade Virtual Private Network (VPN) for encryption.

Close your room’s door to avoid disclosing sensitive information to family members or visitors. Children especially hear and repeat everything.

Working from home can be a pleasant and enjoyable experience if you think things through and plan properly. Contact Francis.W@westtek.co.uk if you have any questions about cybersecurity or working from home for friendly expert advice.

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