IT Support

Is this the end of the office era?

Is this the end of the office era?

The past month has been a rollercoaster of change in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the most prominent transitions is that of working from home instead of in the office. The UK has adapted to remote working well, given the circumstances; many able businesses have introduced new remote processes and employees have established new ways of co-working. Adoption of remote working solutions is through the roof; Microsoft saw a 25% increase in Microsoft Teams usage in the first week of lockdown, and meeting minutes hit 2.1 billion in a single day on the 31st March.

7 Top Tips for Working from Home

7 Top Tips for Working from Home

While most working from home tips are concerned with how you work, we often overlook where we’re working. However, our work environment is a key factor in how much we can get done in a day.

Francis West shares 7 top tips for working from home.

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