How CFO’s Can Re-engage Revenue Generation

Many CFO’s will find it has been a challenging time this past year, with COVID and BREXIT impacts on UK firms. These may have caused changes in staffing levels and operating budgets, driven the transformation agenda disrupted priorities. With so much to content with their can often be a tendency to rein in any investment spend and to retreat and defend the status quo business position.

However, in such times finance is often the foundation the business looks toward to get them safely through troubled waters. This leads to high pressure on the finance function, but also presents opportunity to showcase how finance can impact value creation in the company.

The tumultuous past year has demonstrated how it is difficult to control or predict outside uncontrollable events. The key now is creating flexibility in the business and driving proactive recovery and engagement. To rebuild the team and culture and focus the business on the now and forwards, on what needs to be done to get the revenue moving again in a positive direction.

With finance looked to as the foundation of the business, the area that is informed and pragmatic, CFOs are well positioned to rebuild the culture throughout the organisation and be a driving force to recovery. Many staff have felt disheartened and are even reporting PTSD like symptoms from the WFH impact. Whether you plan to return to the office, adopt working remotely or a mix, getting the team back to productivity is key as is engaging them together.

The biggest impact on the organisation right now is a degradation of incoming revenue; sales bookings, candidate placements and an increasing build in pipeline is essential to give confidence across the business and to revitalise the comradery between staff and teams through having both more to work on together and a more positive outlook.

One way many organisations are approaching this is to look for tools that re-engage their staff, that drive productivity back up for both office and remote sellers/recruiters and to introduce an element of fun that has been lacking. Having people forced to talk on team web calls during Covid is one thing, but unforced engagement across the team on real activity works far better.

An easy, affordable way to bring this to your team found my many during COVID is OneUp Sales. Quick to switch on and integrated with 27 existing systems to bring your existing real data to life quickly for your team, it enables you to easily set, share and manage activity KPI’s; to run league tables and run competitions at individual or team level on revenue and other key metrics. Visibility can come through clear dashboards, MS Team alerts, automated daily summaries to the team members AND rich graphical TV screen displays ensuring all across the business are on the same positive page to what is expected and what is happening.

“When your team is working from home it really makes one hell of a difference. With no effort you can see what your team are spending their time on without having to ask questions or run tricky reports. Stats went through the roof.” Lewis Bunn, Freight Appointments

“OneUp has improved the unification and celebration with everyone getting the recognition they deserve. It has genuinely helped celebrate every aspect of the business.” Alex Pitts, Applause IT

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