The most relevant bench-marking report in the industry, produced for FDs by FDs.


We believe we have created the most specific Benchmarking & KPI report for FDs in the market. The dynamic reporting tool will allow you to run our reports by Company Size (T/o & number of billing desks), Industry Sector and by quarter.

The data you submit is totally anonymous. Our software partners make the data capture anonymous by default and with the lack of specific identifiers there is no way for your data to be attributed to you, enabling you to contribute your financial KPI’s in complete confidence.

We strongly believe that the more you put into the Recruitment FDs network, the more you will get out. Therefore you will only be able to access the reports if you have contributed data – on completion of the survey you will receive a password that will enable you to access the reports via the website. We will always prompt you once the reports are live.

This is your report to bring your board packs and internal reporting to life. It will evolve over time as we get your feedback on what really works and what you would like adding. If you have any comments please let us know at

You are now able to input your data for the latest quarter.

If you have any questions about the data or our report, please get in touch.


data input

Input data for last quarter


Latest report available now


See requirements for completing survey